Gathering and data use from Pulse Origin website:

According to the law of Data Protection, we collect only data information provided by the forms you filled on our website in order to answer you demand.
This information are neither shared with other companies nor advertising process.

“ You have the right to read, modify, rectify and delete any personal data (art. 34 – law “Informatique et Libertés” from the 6th of January 1978).
This right is available on demand just contact Pulse Origin by email ou using our company address.


The consent

Any collected data on our website is under an express content from the user. Each form, with personal data collected, mentions simply and explicitly the condition of use.

The user is well noticed about the personal data treatment established in a register dedicated and compliant with RGPD recommandations.


The website user can at any time exercise his right of withdrawal for personal data using. For that, just send a demand by email.


Data personal right access

The website user can at any time exercise his access right on personal data.For that, just send a demand by email.

To know the personal data use conditions on the website, you can consult directly our online register.

> Access to the personal data register treatment


Notification right

In case of data leackage, the user will be informed of his personal data leackage within 72 working hours.

Gathering and data use from Pulse Origin website:

According to the law of Data Protection, we collect only data information provided by the forms you filled on our website in order to answer you demand.
This information are neither shared with other companies nor advertising process.

“ You have the right to read, modify, rectify and delete any personal data (art. 34 – law “Informatique et Libertés” from the 6th of January 1978).
This right is available on demand just contact Pulse Origin by email ou using our company address.


The consent

Any collected data on our website is under an express content from the user. Each form, with personal data collected, mentions simply and explicitly the condition of use.

The user is well noticed about the personal data treatment established in a register dedicated and compliant with RGPD recommandations.


The website user can at any time exercise his right of withdrawal for personal data using. For that, just send a demand by email.


Data personal right access

The website user can at any time exercise his access right on personal data.For that, just send a demand by email.

To know the personal data use conditions on the website, you can consult directly our online register.

> Access to the personal data register treatment


Notification right

In case of data leackage, the user will be informed of his personal data leackage within 72 working hours.