Public Solution

Using Pulse Box products in a Public organisation

You work for a public organisation or government administration ? Discover the unique solution for universal display in your collaboration spaces.


No accessories and apps to install on your device


Easy and secured integration in your existing IT network


Share wireless content easily on a main screen display using your own device and alternate the presenter from one to another.
Boost you collaboration spaces without any accessories or apps to manage.
Allow hybrid experiences with remote participants using videoconferencing compatibility with our product.

End-users benefits


Easy to Use

A very simple experience with no accessory and apps to install. The Pulse Box gives the freedom for end-users to share contents from anywhere in the meeting rooms

BYOD (Bring your own device)

You can share contents using any device such as smartphone, tablet or laptop. The windows or MacOS users, can also extend their screen from their devices.

IT benefits


Plug & Play

Just plug the box to your screen display and electrical outlet… Then it work with all users devices to minimize IT management

Secured configuration

Possible integration with WPA2-Entreprise, SSL, certificate and proxy network to match with your security policy. For end-users, you have also Room Code during a wireless projection. No data stocked.

More than 200 references in 7 countries for the Pulse Box :

Infos sur la société

Pulse Origin est une société française spécialisée dans les technologies de diffusion sans fil.
Elle est basée à Grenoble, berceau des technologies embarquées.

Téléphone : +33 (0)970 246 123


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